


Dyscovery Consultants was established in 2017 with the aim of raising awareness of Neurodiversity and supporting those with Specific Learning Difficulties.


We offer diagnostic assessments for dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia, and exam access arrangements for anyone with a learning or physical condition which would disadvantage them in a formal exam situation.


We also offer in-house and online training for individuals and organisations. These are primarily aimed at the those in the education and training sector, but with the advent of the Equality Act 2010, it is becoming more and more important for any employer and/or employee to be aware of, and know their rights and legal responsibilities in relation to, colleagues and employees with learning difficulties and disabilities.


In-house training involves active participation in workshops, which aim to integrate theory and practice and encourage participants to use their learning to improve their performance in their role – whatever that role may be.


Online training utilises the Moodle Virtual Learning Environment, making the multimedia and interactive learning experience a memorable and enjoyable one.


The director and founder of Dyscovery Consultants, Eleanor Machin, is an award winning and ‘outstanding’ Specialist Teacher in Specific Learning Difficulties, with expertise also covering moderate and severe learning difficulties and the Autistic Spectrum Disorder. She has over 20 years’ experience in the field of learning difficulties and education. Her qualifications include a first degree, PGCE in Post-Compulsory Education and Training, Post-Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Assessing Learners with specific Learning Difficulties and Master’s in Education. She is currently working towards her Doctorate in Education, researching methods of teaching maths to learners with dyslexia and dyscalculia.


Please feel free to browse our website for more details.